IRRI provides evidence-based market research and actionable insights into sustainable investment, its research value chain, issues of interest to investors and company-to-investor communications practices.
IRRI is a joint-venture between Institutional Investor Research and SRI-Connect to deliver market intelligence on the sustainable investment value chain. We conduct primary research (including the waterfront IRRI Survey) and publicise the work of others on the size of sustainable investment globally, the economics & dynamics of the sustainable investment research value chain, best and current practice in sustainable investor communications by companies and issues of priority interest to sustainable investors
We gather and present these insights free-to-air to support the efficient development of investment & research products and services that factor sustainability considerations into investment decision-making and capital allocation.
Our research focus | Our programme & services | Our sources | Contact us

II Research is the leading provider of independent performance validation and a source of qualitative market intelligence for corporates and investment professionals globally.
For over 50 years, Institutional Investor has been conducting independent research surveys with global investment professionals who evaluate and determine the best performing sell side research providers and CEOs, CFOs, IROs and IR Programs across Europe, Emerging EMEA, Asia Pacific, North America and Latin America.
The research data independently captures evaluations of companies, brokers and executives from investment managers, broker firms and corporate issuers, to deliver detailed peer-to-peer comparative analyses every year; the feedback helps inform strategic decision making and improve resource and process management.

SRI-Connect is a market-leading developer of sustainable investment research networks and online information portals including:
- www.sri-connect.com – the global investment research network for sustainable investors, research providers and listed companies
- www.sustainable-ir.com – a one-stop hub of advice and resources containing everything that a company needs to communicate on sustainability with investors
- www.sri-research.com – Sustainable Investment Market Intelligence (a network of independent research consultancies specialising in the economics and dynamics of the sustainable investment value chain
- www.sita-training.com – a sustainable investment training network with a focus on teaching investors and research providers how to integrate sustainabiilty factors into mainstream investment valuation
Our research focus
Size & shape of sustainable investment globally
We ask, answer and track emerging information around questions such as:
- What assets are managed according to sustainable investment / ESG practices?
- Which strategies are growing? Which are declining?
- What types of products and services are being developed?
- What growth is to be expected in assets under management? From which markets will this come?
Economics & dynamics of the research value chain
We ask, answer and track emerging information around questions such as:
- Which providers offer what types of sustainable investment research products and services? Who has what market share?
- How much do asset managers pay for sustainable investment research, ratings & data?
- What trends can be seen / what developments are to be expected in the market for data, ratings or research?
Companies’ sustainable investor communications
We ask, answer and track emerging information around questions such as:
- Which companies communicate most efficiently on sustainability to investors?
- What works best in sustainable investor communications by companies?
- What does not work and how could this be improved or replaced?
- Can / should / how should sustainability issues be integrated into ‘mainstream’ messaging?
Issues of priority interest to sustainable investors
We ask, answer and track emerging information around questions such as:
- Which issues of currently of most interest to sustainable investors?
- What issues are of emerging interest?
- Which sustainability (or ESG) issues do investors use to make capital allocation decisions?
- Which issues only affect engagement activity?
- Which issues (of professed interest) are never acted on?
Our programme & services
The programme
IRRI is a joint venture market research programme between II Research and SRI-Connect to improve understanding of the economics and dynamics of the sustainable investment value chain. Over the past 10 years the programme has delivered a series of ‘IRRI Surveys’ and delivered a number of bespoke market research projects.
The IRRI Survey
The IRRI Survey is the annual, globally-authoritative, 360° practitioner-based review of leadership and innovation in sustainable investment and corporate governance.
It recognises and rewards best practice in sustainable investment research and reports on trends, opinions and developments within sustainable investment and corporate governance research
Bespoke research
We also conduct bespoke research to help asset managers develop their investment research capacity, to inform the strategy development of research providers and to help companies communicate effectively on sustainability to investors
Our sources
Numerous investment firms now conduct and publish research on the size, development and trends within ESG and sustainable investment. We believe, however, that this is the only platform that gathers these different sources together into one place with the explicit objective of supporting the growth and evolution of the sustainable investment industry.
We fully welcome the breadth and diversity of such research, will always highlight sources and provide links to research that we do not conduct ourselves and invite anyone with research that they would like to be presented on this platform, to contact Mike Tyrrell.
Contact us
For further details on Institutional Investor Research, contact David Enticknap
For further details on the IRRI programme, SRI-Connect, Sustainable-IR or SITA training, contact Mike Tyrrell